Getting Ready

Our journey is about to begin!

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We are counting down the days before we take off for our journey across America. Our lives have been a hectic mess the past few months trying to get the house ready to rent, packing all of our stuff, selling or giving away the rest, finding, inspecting, and buying an RV, finish homeschooling for the year, planning the route, making campground reservations, and the list goes on.

Being newbies to the RV world, we have a lot to learn about how to operate the rig and especially how to drive one. We’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos to prepare ourselves for this new way of living, but it’s going to take us getting out there on our own for the first time to put all the pieces together and help all those hours of video instruction to actually stick.

I’ve made the first reservation to a campground recently and while it was is to do while not even owning the fifth wheel yet, it was exciting knowing that the time is approaching!

Back to packing, and selling the old and buying the new…