North Carolina, Where We've Been

Carolina Renaissance Festival

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Carolina Renaissance Festival

The kids hadn’t ever been to a Renaissance Festival and it had been years since Ben and I went so we decided to make a day of it. It also happened to be the last day of the festival, which made the festival swell with crowds trying to take in the last joust of the season.

People were dressed in full medieval era costumes, as knights, guards, and peasants. We even saw a lone Monty Python rider and his trusty steed “riding” around the festival grounds.

It appears that the Carolina Renaissance Festival is a fulltime event in the summer and so it has a dedicated area decked out with medieval style architecture and privy’s for bathrooms. 

There were shops selling period outfits, horns, swords, jewelry, turkey legs, and even the rare mermaid pearls. Around a few corners were the rare atm’s that the peasants could use to purchase goods in the village.

The jousting was the highlight of the event. It was overseen by the Queen of the festival as the knights battled it out for her favor.

The kids tried their hands at the hammer of strength and 

their prowess at the bow and arrow.

We weren’t exactly sure what Bobba Fett was doing here, but he seemed to fit right in with the fairies and elves that also made their appearance at the festival.



Yates Family Camping

Yates Family Camping is located in near the Charlotte Motor Speedway. I made the reservation over the phone. There isn’t an office to check-in, but when we arrived, I called to let him know we were there. He came out and met us and showed us where to park. I paid with a check for our stay.

The sites are close together, with just a few feet in between for the slides. The lower (eastern) sites were unlevel and I don’t believe they were full hookup, but the upper (western) sites were level with full hookup. There is a dump on site on the south side of the campground.

We asked if we could change out truck’s fuel filters here and he said it wouldn’t be a problem. We disposed of the fuel at the recycling center in town.

We had clear skies for Starlink and got 103/8. Verizon gave us only 2 bars on the phone. With AT&T and Verizon through the cell antenna on the roof, we were able to get 5 bars. Verizon came in at (28/11) and AT&T came in at (22/26).